World TB Day 2017 – Unite to End TB

Margaret ArbogastNews

World TB Day is held each year on March 24th and aims to build public awareness for action against tuberculosis, a disease which despite being curable, remains a destructive epidemic in much of the world.

This year, we commemorate the 135th anniversary of Dr Robert Koch’s announcement in 1882 of his discovery of the TB bacillus, the cause of tuberculosis. His groundbreaking research opened the way toward diagnosing and curing this disease.

World TB Day is an opportunity for people everywhere to join this fight by helping to educate others about TB and by urging governments to take action. We believe that together we can End TB once and for all:

Unite to End TB!

World TB Day Events

Click on through to see what events are happening in your area (updated hourly)

  • Light up the world for TB: Buildings and landmarks all over the world will illuminate their landmarks in red to show their commitment to ending TB including Niagara Falls, CN Tower and Barcelona City Hall.
  • Thunderclap for TB: Organized by the U.S. CDC the Thunderclap helps raise awareness and support for those fighting TB through social media. The thunderclap has already reached more than 1.5 million people.
  • Test your knowledge of TB with our quiz!
  • What can I do locally to tell my leaders to step up for TB?

Additional Resources

  • Global campaign materials
  • WHO issues new ethics guidance to protect rights of TB patients
  • Learn why WHO is placing a special focus this year on the theme “Leave No One Behind”
  • CDC key messages and resources for World TB Day in the U.S.
  • Social media materials for World TB Day
  • Learn more about the role of parliamentarians in the fight to End TB


Margaret ArbogastWorld TB Day 2017 – Unite to End TB