The private sector will convene on Tuesday, 5th of May in Johannesburg, South Africa ahead of the Government of the Republic of South Africa and Every Woman Every Child hosted consultation on the updated Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016-2030). During the private sector side-meeting, participants will provide feedback on their engagement in the Global Strategy to date, identifying successes and challenges, and discuss opportunities for greater engagement and impact under the new Global Strategy. These inputs will be fed into the main consultation on the 6th-7th of May. The new strategy will provide a roadmap for ending all preventable deaths and improving the health and wellbeing of women, newborns, children, and adolescents by 2030. The UN Secretary-General (UNSG) will officially unveil the new Strategy in September 2015.
The private sector meeting is being co-hosted by GSM Association, Merck, Philips, UN Foundation, GBCHealth and MDG Health Alliance with PMNCH.
Click here and contact Shuma Panse () for more information on how to participate. If you are unable to attend personally, you are encouraged to suggest the names of your representatives in South Africa who may be interested in attending.