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Private Sector Delegation to the Global Fund | May 2015

Read the latest news, updates and information on the Private Sector Delegation (PSD), the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and its Board.

This edition of the Global Fund PSD Newsletter contains

PSD Elects Board Member and Alternate to Global Fund Board (2015-2017)

Members of the PSD Advisory Group re-elected Paul Schaper (Executive Director, Global Policy at Merck, known as MSD outside of the U.S. and Canada) as Board Member for a second term and elected Erika Satterwhite (Senior Manager of Global Policy at Mylan) for her first term as Alternate Board Member, representing the Private Sector to the Global Fund’s Board. Their two-year terms began on April 1, 2015 and will run through early 2017. The new leadership terms will overlap with a critical time for Global Fund, as it develops a new strategy to guide its investments and programs in the post-2015 era and continues to refine its funding model for AIDS, TB and malaria interventions.

Looking forward to the upcoming term, Mr. Schaper said, “The PSD has an important role to play as a champion for effective and sustainable interventions to maximize impact. With a diverse, engaged membership, vast knowledge of the Global Fund’s policies and familiarity with implementing countries, the PSD is in a stronger-than-ever position to deliver on these goals and elevate the role of the private sector as a key partner in the fight against the three diseases.” Mr. Schaper also expressed support for his new Alternate, Ms. Satterwhite, saying, “Erika’s strong expertise and skills as an active PSD member and a cross-sector collaborator will help to shape the PSD’s input in numerous critical discussions for the Fund in the coming two years.”

The term change also marked the end of the second consecutive term as PSD Board Alternate for Renuka Gadde (Vice President, Global Health at BD), the PSD term maximum for the role. At the close of her term, Ms. Gadde remarked, “It has been a pleasure and a privilege to serve in the Board Alternate role for the past four years representing the PSD. We have the right people and right processes in place and a very strong and engaged membership. It’s a pleasure to pass the baton to Erika to help take the constituency to new heights.” Ms. Gadde emphasized that she will remain an active member of the PSD, representing BD, and thanked Mr. Schaper for his leadership as Board Member during the 2013-2015 term, GBCHealth for support as PSD Focal Point and her fellow colleagues in the constituency. “Collectively, we can all be proud of the role we play in shaping the Global Fund’s strategy and the impact we are having on many lives.” she said.

Seeking Private Sector Input Into The Next Global Fund Strategy: Upcoming Consultations for Business

The PSD is seeking input from a wide range of Global Fund partners and stakeholders from the business sector into on-going dialogues this year aimed at developing the next Global Fund strategy. The new strategy will cover the five-year period from 2017 to 2021 and will serve as an organizational framework outlining the Fund’s core mission, goals and objectives for the near future.

As a voting member of the Global Fund Board, the PSD is committed to engaging with a diverse cross-section of private sector companies and business organizations to capture their inputs to help shape the future direction of the Global Fund and the fights against the three diseases. A strong 2017-2021 framework will be critically important to outlining the Fund’s future direction and to laying the foundation for an accelerated response to end the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria. The Fund has launched an online survey platform available through June 26th to capture feedback from all interested global stakeholders. Representatives from the private sector are encouraged to participate in the electronic forum here.

Between June and August 2015, the PSD will work with the Global Fund Secretariat to host a series of meetings targeting input from private sector companies and business organizations on the strategy development process and opportunities to strengthen the private sector’s role in combatting HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria and building more resilient health systems. The PSD-hosted consultations will complement the Fund’s wider strategy development process – which includes three in-person meetings and the online survey – by increasing private sector representation and ensuring a strong business voice in strategic dialogues. Companies do not need to be current PSD members to participate. Confirmed consultation opportunities include:

  • Tuesday, June 23 in Bangkok, Thailand (Prior to the Global Fund Partnership Forum event)
  • Monday, June 29 in Geneva, Switzerland
  • Friday, July 24 in Lagos, Nigeria (Following the GBCHealth/ Corporate Alliance on Malaria in Africa Annual Forum)

Additional consultation events in Europe and the U.S. are in development. Please contact and download the consultation one-pager here for more information on private sector consultation opportunities.

PSD Hosts Event to Highlight Private Sector Role in Strengthening Health Systems

At a recent convening in Geneva, Global Fund Executive Director Mark Dybul drew attention to opportunities for private sector partners to bring core business expertise to strengthening country health systems. The event, hosted by the PSD on the margins of the 33rd Board meeting in late March, focused on the role that strong health systems play in combatting HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria.

Over 60 representatives from the Global Fund Board, Board constituencies, the PSD, Secretariat staff and technical partners attended the event. Presenters included Patrik Silborn, Head of the Secretariat’s private sector team and PSD members Amy Israel (Eli Lilly), Renuka Gadde (BD) and Brian Brink (Anglo American). Paul Schaper also moderated a panel discussion with members of the Global Fund’s Health Systems Strengthening and Policy Hubs and the Board’s Strategy Committee. Read more about the event and the role of the private sector in health systems here.

New Board Leadership, Strategy Discussions Take Center Stage at Global Fund 33rd Board Meeting

March 29 – April 1, 2015 | Geneva, Switzerland

The Global Fund’s Board met in Geneva for its 33rd Meeting from March 30-April 1. At the meeting, the Board appointed a new Chair and Vice Chair for a two-year term (2015-2017). Norbert Hauser, former interim Inspector General and member of the Global Fund’s High-Level Panel, was appointed as Board Chair and Aida Kurtovic, former Board member for the Eastern Europe and Central Asia constituency and member of the Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee, was appointed as Vice Chair. PSD members welcomed the new Board leadership, who will shepherd the Fund during a critical period that will include the development of a new organizational strategy, the launch of the 5th Replenishment Period to renew donor commitments to the Fund, and the beginning of the second funding cycle since the redesign of the Fund’s grant-making approach.

The meeting was an important milestone as the Global Fund works to prepare and approve its next five-year strategy. As a central part of the agenda, Board members initiated discussion of key strategic questions for the Fund’s future. Some recurrent themes discussed included a prioritized focus on health systems strengthening, financial and programmatic sustainability, differentiated approaches to different country contexts, and human rights, key populations and gender. Global Fund stakeholders will continue dialogues on the strategy development throughout 2015 and early 2016.

Other major decisions adopted by the Board included:

  • A new framework for funding treatment of co-infections and co-morbidities as part of country HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria programs, paving the way for integrated programs that address the three diseases and their co-infections and co-morbidities where such approaches are supported by national strategies.
  • Finalized performance targets for 2015 and 2016.
  • Additional progress under an ethics and integrity initiative that aims to embed ethical principles and approaches across all aspects of the Fund’s operations.
  • Approval of the 2014 Annual Financial Report.

The PSD held its semi-annual pre-Board meeting on March 29 to review and propose positions on the slate of upcoming Board decisions. Representatives from AbbVie, Accenture Development Partnerships, Anglo American, BD, Eli Lilly, Gilead Sciences, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Mylan, Novartis, Sanofi, TropMed Pharma Consulting, Vale and US Pharmacopeia attended. PSD member also met with other Board constituencies including government donors, civil society organizations and private foundations on March 30. Read more about key Board decisions taken here.

2014 Marks A Transformative Year for the PSD: Annual Report Released

Read the PSD’s 2014 Annual Report to learn about the Private Sector Delegation’s contribution to the Global Fund’s mission over the past year. As a member of the Global Fund Board, the PSD was an active voice in the on-going Board debates to shape and prepare for the launch of the new funding model and also contributed to additional major decisions related to governance, performance and risk management frameworks.

2014 was also a landmark year for the PSD. The constituency launched a new task force structure, nominated a new representative to the Finance & Operational Performance Committee (Abt Associates’ Nazzareno Todini), supported a major regional malaria forum in Yangon, Myanmar, and continued its role as a committed advocate for private sector partnership in support of the Global Fund. Read the report to find out about these and other achievements in 2014.

The Global Fund and The Stop TB Partnership to Host TB and Mining Roundtable at WEF Africa

June 4, 2015 | Cape Town, South Africa

The Global Fund Secretariat, Stop TB Partnership and the World Bank Group will co-host a roundtable discussion at the upcoming World Economic Forum on Africa entitled, “Action in Mining: A Response to the Tuberculosis Crisis in SADC.” Workers in the South Africa mining industry have the highest TB rates in the world, with up to 7% contracting the disease each year. The roundtable discussion will feature Minister Aaron Motsoaledi, South African Minister of Health and Chair of the Stop TB Coordinating Board, Dr. Okore Okorafor, World Bank Senior Health Specialist, and Mr. Patrik Silborn, Head of Private Sector Engagement for the Global Fund, and will focus on how coordinated action can help save lives.

GBCHealth corporate partners with an interest in TB and/or mining are encouraged to contact Jacqueline Huh at the Stop TB Partnership for more information or to request an invitation.

Ecobank Brings Banking Expertise in Africa to PSD

Global Fund corporate partner Ecobank Transnational became the newest member of the PSD Advisory Group in March 2015. Ecobank, a large Pan-African bank with a strong commitment to social causes in Africa, launched a partnership with the Global Fund in December 2013 to provide innovative financing, advocacy and cash contributions of $3 million over a three year period. Through the partnership, Ecobank will strengthen the financial management capabilities of grant recipients and offer training in financial management skills, accounting and reporting to facilitate improved grant application, implementation and evaluation processes.

Ecobank will be represented on the PSD by David Pitts, Country Head – UK Representative Office & Global Account Manager, Financial Institutions & International Organisations. Read more about Ecobank’s partnership with the Global Fund here.

Join GBCHealth and CAMA to Mobilize Partnerships for Malaria Elimination in Nigeria

The Corporate Alliance in Malaria in Africa (CAMA) will hold a technical forum in Lagos, Nigeria under the theme, The Road to 2020: Mobilizing The Private Sector In Nigeria’s Fight Against Malaria. Recognizing the devastating impact that malaria has on Nigeria and the potential for the country to overcome major resource constraints by strengthening public-private partnerships, the forum aims to increase coordination in support of the National Malaria Strategic Plan, which targets pre-elimination of malaria in Nigeria by 2020. With support from Access Bank, this year’s forum will be held in Lagos on July 23rd-24th and will be followed by the 2015 GBCHealth Business Leadership Awards Gala Dinner. For more information and to get involved, please contact .

Event attendees and key stakeholders in the region will also be invited to join a separate private sector-focused consultation to provide input into the development of the next Global Fund’s 2017-2021 strategy. Nigeria was allocated over US$ 1 billion in Global Fund financing for its HIV, TB and malaria programs in the current funding cycle, making it one of the largest recipients of Global Fund support and a critical partner in the Fund’s mission of combatting the three diseases. For more information, please contact and see here.

Eli Lilly to Host PSD Annual Retreat

August 27-28, 2015 | Geneva, Switzerland

At the 5th Annual Retreat, the PSD members will focus on finalizing private sector positions on the Global Fund’s mission, vision and objectives for the next five years, in the lead up to the Board approval of the Fund’s 2017-2021 Strategy. The group will discuss feedback gathered from participants at the PSD-hosted private sector strategy consultations over the summer, input from attendees at the Partnership Forums in Addis Ababa, Bangkok and Panama City, and the results of its internal survey to determine private sector priorities and positions to be presented at the 34th Board Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland scheduled for mid-November. The meeting is open to PSD Advisory Group and Affiliate members only. Contact .

Catalogue of Priority Country Funding Needs Now Available Through Online Global Fundraiser

Earlier this year, the Global Fund launched a searchable online register of pre-vetted but currently unfunded programmatic needs for countries receiving Global Fund grants. Known as the register of Unfunded Quality Demand (UQD), the tool is part of the new approach to funding approved last year and draws attention to gaps in country HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria programs that could not be funding with existing Global Fund resources. The private sector is one of the few stakeholders allowed to make earmarked contributions through the Fund to specific grants, disease programs or countries with requests on the register.

Under the new model, countries applying for Global Fund grants are encouraged to detail ambitious requests and express the full gap in their HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria programs. Funding requests that are deemed by independent reviews to be strong, strategically focused interventions but that cannot be funded through the country’s current allocation are placed on the register. As new Global Fund resources become available, they will be allocated to requests on the register. Countries can also seek direct investments against the register from other external donors, including private sector companies. The register is updated quarterly and can be searched by region, country, component and intervention. Access the current register here.

#PPP4malaria: Partners Take Action to Defeat Malaria

On the occasion of World Malaria Day, the Global Fund, the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) joined malaria endemic countries and partners under Roll Back Malaria Partnership’s theme of “Invest in the Future and Defeat Malaria”. As the last World Malaria Day under the MDGs, this year marks a critical opportunity to boost action towards meeting the 2015 goal. Partners agreed that sustained financial investment, political will and scientific innovation are needed to accelerate gains against malaria, meet financial gaps, and maintain momentum. A series of events were held to highlight the progress made against malaria and to call for continued commitment. Key themes across events highlighted the added value of fighting malaria in ending poverty, improving maternal and child health, and reducing child mortality.

Read more about GBCHealth’s World Malaria Day event, Twitter Chat and other partner activities here.

Reach 3 Million TB Patients by 2035: World TB Day Call to Action

Under the theme of “Reach the 3 Million”, partners observed World TB Day on March 24. The 2015 theme focuses on the estimated 3 million people who become sick with TB each year but are missed by TB programs and do not receive quality care . Events and commemorations on World TB Day called for partners’ active participation in the global fight to end TB by 2035 and close the treatment coverage gap. Key themes from this year’s World TB Day events included:

  • Human rights abuses have negative impacts on the spread of TB and exacerbate disparities in access to care among women and girls, migrants, impoverished people and other populations who are prone to infection. The Global Fund Human Rights Reference Group will work to elevate these issues to close gaps in coverage. Read more here.
  • Global Fund World TB Day News Flash highlighted the progress made by Honduras, Myanmar, and Côte D’Ivoire in educating citizens on the nature of TB/MDR-TB and making treatment and education more accessible to those who need it. For more information, click here.
  • Global Drug Facility (GDF) announced that the price of MDR-TB medication Cycloserine has been further reduced, keeping with the mandate of the GDF to improve access to necessary medications to those who need them. By reducing the cost of this key component of MDR-TB regimens, successful treatment will be made even more accessible. For more information, click here.

For more information on the various events and announcements from the 2015 World TB Day, Read the Stop TB Partnership’s Newsletter.

Meet the PSD

Access Bank Gilead

Omobolanle Victor-Laniyan,
Head of Sustainability, Corporate Communications, Access Bank

Graeme Robertson,
Director, International Access Operations, Gilead

How does your membership in the PSD Advisory Group benefit your company’s health work?

We are a responsible organization reaching out into our communities to help improve the quality of life for people and ultimately contribute to a better world. As a private sector organization, we believe we have a role to play in the global health agenda and the PSD provides the platform for doing this. Membership of the PSD has given us access to organizations with similar values and objectives. It makes us part of a network of change makers working for a better world – real people and real institutions, adding value to the Global Fund work, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

Read the full interviews here.

What advice would you give peers seeking to become more involved with the Global Fund?

The PSD Advisory Group is an invaluable platform in which healthcare executives can meet like-minded peers from other corporations and connect to more non-traditional partners, such as government and civil society representatives who have first-hand knowledge of urgent national health needs and capabilities. Not only does involvement in The Global Fund PSD demonstrate a company’s commitment to improving global public health, it also facilitates discourse among political leaders, community members and companies all working toward the same health-related goals.


May 25 – June 5

PSD Internal Consultation Calls on Global Fund 2017 – 2021 Strategy

June 17 – 18

15th Strategy Investment & Impact Committee Meeting

Geneva, Switzerland

June 23

Private Sector Consultation on Global Fund 2017 – 2021 Strategy

Bangkok, Thailand

June 24 – 25

Global Fund Partnership Forum

Bangkok, Thailand

June 29

Private Sector Consultation on Global Fund 2017-2021 Strategy

Geneva, Switzerland

July 6

12th Audit and Ethics Committee Meeting

Geneva, Switzerland

July 22 – 23

15th Finance and Operational Performance Committee Meeting

July 24

Private Sector Consultation on Global Fund 2017 – 2021 Strategy

Lagos, Nigeria

August 27 – 28

5th Annual PSD Retreat

Geneva, Switzerland

September 2 – 3

Global Fund Partnership Forum

Panama City, Panama



New vector control insecticide developed


Lilly blogpost on stopping the rise of MDR-TB in Europe


Mylan signs exclusive agreement with Gilead Sciences to distribute two Hepatitis C treatments in India


New program launched for donation of Bedaquiline for MDR-TB patients


Positive results announced from study of investigational HIV therapy- Doravine


Sanofi to receive “Patent for Humanity” Award at White House


Vale launches 2014 Sustainability Report


07 May 2015

Partnership Forum Focuses on Strategy

27 April 2015

Global Fund Launches Human Rights Complaints Procedure

25 April 2015

Côte d’Ivoire Achieves Universal Coverage of Insecticidal Nets

24 April 2015

GAVI and the Global Fund Welcome Malaria Vaccine Trial Results

20 April 2015

Global Fund Launches Online Platform for Strategy Development

1 April 2015

Global Fund Affirms Commitment to Resilient Health Systems

1 April 2015

Global Fund Board Selects New Chair and Vice-Chair

25 March 2015

Reuters Corrects Inaccurate Article on Global Fund Grants to Malawi

24 March 2015

Find, Treat and Cure All People with TB

20 March 2015

Honduras Aims for Malaria Elimination

16 March 2015

Japan to Host Key Global Fund Meeting

24 February 2015

Ukraine Aims for Better HIV and TB Patient Care

Private Sector Delegation Companies and Representatives

Board Member: Paul Schaper, Executive Director, Global Public Policy, Merck/MSD

Alternate Board Member: Erika Satterwhite, Manager, Global Policy, Mylan

Advisory Group Members

Claudia Carravetta, Director, Government Affairs
Matthew Hamada, Senior Product Manager, Virology

Dr. Ann Lion, Vice President, International Health Policy & Systems
Naz Todini, Senior Associate

Omobolanle Victor-Laniyan, Head of Sustainability, Corporate Communications

Dr. Brian Brink, Medical Consultant

Dr. Gerhard Hesse, Head of Global Partnering/Vector Control

BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
Renuka Gadde, Vice President, Global Health

David Pitts, Country Head – UK Representative Office & Global Account Manager, Financial Institutions & International Organizations
Charles Kie, Group Executive, Corporate & Investment Bank

Dr. Evan Lee, Vice President, Global Health Programs & Access
Amy Israel, Program Director, Global Health Programs & Access

Polly Fields, Director, Government Affairs
Graeme Robertson, Director, Access Operations & Emerging Markets
Courtney Gillespie, Senior Manager, Government Affairs

Jami Taylor, Senior Director, Global Access Policy

Paul Schaper, Executive Director, Global Public Policy

Erika Satterwhite, Manager, Global Policy
Scott Evertz, Consultant

Rebecca Stevens, Director of Public Affairs, Novartis Malaria Initiative

Luisa Engel, Director of External Relations

René Cazetien, Associate Vice President of Operations, Access to Medicines

Adriana Verdier, External Affairs Manager
Heloisa Jardim, Global Health Corporate Analyst, Health & Safety Department

Caroline Desrousseaux, Global Accounts Manager

Affiliate Members

Anastasia Thatcher, Global Health Lead


GBCHealth is the Focal Point for the Private Sector Delegation to the Global Fund, working with the committed companies of the Advisory Group to steer Global Fund priorities and policies, while also ensuring that the Global Fund actively engages the business sector.

For more information on how your company or private sector organization can get involved, please contact PSD Focal Point, Whitney White at