INSIGHTS | New HIV Prevention Tool Puts Women in Charge by Erica Ciaraldi
Breakthrough innovations have the power to disrupt the status quo and tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges. This month, the International Partnership for Microbicides (IPM) revealed the successful results of two large studies demonstrating the efficacy of a low-cost, monthly vaginal ring to protect women against HIV infection. How can this innovation and others like it empower women and girls to turn the tide against HIV? Read more.
OPPORTUNITY | Join CAMA for a World Malaria Day Private Sector Breakfast
Lagos, Nigeria | Invitation-only | The Corporate Alliance on Malaria in Africa (CAMA) and the Private Sector Health Alliance of Nigeria will bring together a group of high-level stakeholders to discuss targeted private sector malaria programs and present early results of a study, mapping private sector investments in malaria control against areas of greatest unmet need in Nigeria. Contact for more information on this invitation-only event.
GBCHealth continues to advocate for smart and impactful investments in malaria control and elimination in Nigeria. Share with us what you have planned this World Malaria Day to “end malaria for good”.
OPPORTUNITY | Inaugural Forum on Financing and Innovation in Global Health
April 14 – 15 | Washington, DC | Invitation-only | Join high-level speakers for the inaugural Financing & Innovation in Global Health (FIGH) Forum — a premier event to spark creativity, entrepreneurship and technology and drive effective blended finance models and transformative global health investment. Learn more.
AWARDS | Meet the Judges – 2016 Business Action on Health Award: Focus on Women & Girls
GBCHealth is excited to announce this year’s panel of external judges reviewing the 2016 Women & Girls Award applications. Judges are experts from across government, multilateral, NGO and business sectors. The wealth of experience and insight they bring to the role is invaluable in selecting only the most impactful programs. Meet the 2016 Judges.
PAST EVENTS | Private Sector Roundtable on the Equitable Access Initiative
March 3, 2016 | Geneva, Switzerland | The Global Fund Private Sector Delegation hosted a private sector roundtable to discuss the final report of the Equitable Access Initiative (EAI) — a new development assistance framework to assess the health needs and constraints countries experience as they move along the development continuum from low- to middle-income status. The EAI is the first step in developing a more nuanced health framework that can classify countries by components of equitable access to health. Read more.
PARTNER SPOTLIGHT | World TB Day Interview with Executive Director of StopTB, Dr. Lucica Ditiu
Dr. Lucica Ditiu, Executive Director of the StopTB Partnership, shares her priorities for greater private sector action on the Global Plan to End TB: The Paradigm Shift (2016-2020) — a 5-year investment plan to accelerate the elimination of TB and reach the targets of the WHO End TB Strategy. Continue to the interview.
13 – 15
2016 Skoll World Forum
Oxford, England
14 – 15
2016 Financing & Innovation for Global Health Forum
Washington, DC, United States
16 – 17
13th Annual Global Health & Innovation Conference
New Haven, CT, United States
World Malaria Day
Global Events
Corporate Alliance on Malaria in Africa Private Sector Breakfast
Lagos, Nigeria
11 – 13
World Economic Forum on Africa
Kigali, Rwanda
4th Women Deliver Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark
Red Nose Day
New York, NY, United States
For more. . .
World TB Day
The Global Plan to End TB: The Paradigm Shift (2016-2020)
End TB Strategy by the World Health Organization
GBCHealth’s TB Resource Library
World Malaria Day
World Malaria Report 2015
Global Technical Strategy for Malaria 2016-2030
Action and Investment to Defeat Malaria 2016-2030
GBCHealth’s Malaria Resource Library