We are pleased to share with you the latest Global Fund Private Sector Delegation (PSD) newsletter covering news and information on the PSD, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and its Board. This edition of the PSD Newsletter contains
Leadership Changes, Major Funding Decisions Announced at Global Fund Board Meeting June 16 – 19 | Colombo, Sri Lanka The first meeting since the appointment of new Executive Director, Dr. Mark Dybul, and the final meeting under the leadership of Board Chair Simon Bland, and Vice-Chair Mphu Ramatlapeng, the June Global Fund Board meeting marked major changes in Board leadership. Bland and Ramatlapeng stepped down from their respective roles at the close of the Board meeting. Leadership of the Board was transferred to incoming Chair Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, Minister of Health for the Republic of Indonesia, and Vice-Chair Madame Mirielle Guigaz, Former French Ambassador for the Fight Against HIV/AIDS and Communicable Diseases, for a two-year term. The Board also appointed Martin O’Malley, most recently of Standard Bank Group, as the new Inspector General of the Global Fund for a term starting in September. The Private Sector Delegation was represented at the meetings by AbbVie, ALAFA, Anglo American, BD, Eli Lilly, Merck, Mylan, Sanofi, TropMed Pharma, and GBCHealth as Private Sector Focal Point. Read more about key decisions and developments at the Board meeting here. Incoming PSD Leaders to Prioritize New Funding Model, Market Dynamics, Replenishment The PSD has selected new leadership to represent the delegation at the Global Fund Board. Paul Schaper, Executive Director Global Public Policy, Merck, was elected as Board Member, for a term beginning on June 20, 2013 and Renuka Gadde, Vice President, Global Health, BD, was reelected to continue serving as Alternate Board Member. Schaper brings to the role over two decades of global health policy, disease prevention and treatment experience. Gadde will draw on her experience in her first term as Alternate Board Member as well as her work with BD’s global health activities and partnerships. Read the new PSD Leadership’s exclusive interviews here. At the conclusion of the June meeting, Dr. Brian Brink, Chief Medical Officer, Anglo American plc stepped down as PSD Board Member after serving in a leadership role for the maximum eight years—two successive 2-year terms as Alternate Board Member and two subsequent terms as Board Member. Brink and Gadde successfully led the PSD through a time of major reform and transition at the Fund, representing the private sector on key policy, strategy and leadership decisions at the Board. GBCHealth Re-Appointed Focal Point through 2016 GBCHealth was formally re-appointed for a new three-year term as the Global Fund Private Sector Delegation’s Focal Point after a competitive proposal process conducted in early 2013. The new term began at the close of the recent Global Fund Board meeting in June 2013. Over the next three years, GBCHealth will facilitate the PSD’s participation in activities that bring the private sector’s voice to Global Fund Board policy and strategy, including a research project to value private sector non-cash contributions to the Global Fund, a toolkit to increase country-level private sector engagement, and participation in key Board meetings, retreats and forums. GBCHealth’s Whitney White, who has served as Interim Focal Point since mid-2012, will continue in the Focal Point role in the new term. Read more about GBCHealth’s appointment here. New Funding Model: First Wins and Early Lessons Learned In early 2013, the Global Fund launched the transition to the new funding model, approved by the Board in late 2012. The new model replaces the previous Rounds-based system and aims to simplify grant application and disbursement processes while improving measurable results. Tremendous progress has been made so far this year. Country dialogues and concept note development have taken place in three early applicant countries — Myanmar, Zimbabwe and El Salvador. The Technical Review Panel (TRP) and the Grant Approvals Committee (GAC) have endorsed five concept notes — three for HIV/AIDS, and one each from Myanmar for TB and malaria — which were approved by the Board in June. The TRP and the GAC are expected to review concept notes from five additional early applicants (DRC, Philippines, Artemisinin Resistance Initiative, Eurasian Harm Reduction Network, Malaria Elimination initiative in Mesoamerica & Hispaniola) by November. Kazakhstan’s early applicant review is scheduled to take place later in 2014. Read more information about the new funding model here. Global Fund Launches Ambitious Plans for Largest Replenishment Yet With an ambitious target of $15 billion needed to effectively fund the fight against the three diseases, the Global Fund has been working with donors to ensure a successful Voluntary 4th Replenishment. To be launched in Q3/Q4 of 2013, the Replenishment will be chaired by the United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, with several co-chairs leading replenishment efforts among different donor communities. Four different groups or pillars were identified as targets for the Replenishment: traditional donors, emerging economies, domestic financing from implementing countries, and the private sector. President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria was the first appointed Co-Chair, announced in April 2013. Dr. Brian Brink, Chair of the Global Fund’s Donor Bloc and former Board Member for the Private Sector, has challenged private sector companies to significantly increase financial contributions to support the Replenishment with a target of raising 10 percent of Replenishment funds, or $1.5 billion over the three years. The Global Fund convened a preparatory meeting for the Replenishment on April 8-10 in Brussels with representatives from donor governments, Global Fund leadership, partners and private sector companies to discuss Replenishment goals and results to date. Read more about the event here. PSD and the Global Fund take Center Stage at GBCHealth 2013 Annual Conference May 15 – 17, 2013 | New York City When it comes to investing in a healthier future, “it’s now or never,” said the Global Fund’s new Executive Director, Mark Dybul, speaking at this year’s GBCHealth Annual Conference. With a strong focus on the private sector’s role in supporting the Global Fund and the health-related MDGs, the event featured 25 content-rich sessions, 70 speakers and more than 600 attendees from the private sector, governments, non-profits and foundations. Dybul spoke on a panel session on the Replenishment and received GBCHealth’s 2013 Vision and Impact Award in recognition of his career commitment to global health. PSD leadership also met with Dybul to discuss his vision for the Fund and strategy for engaging the private sector. Read more about Global Fund and PSD content featured at the GBCHealth Conference:
PSD companies, including AbbVie, Abt Associates, Access Bank, Anglo American, Bayer, BD, Chevron, Eli Lilly, Merck, Mylan, Novartis, (RED), Sumitomo Chemical and Vestergaard Frandsen attended the event as speakers, sponsors and participants. Key representatives from the Global Fund Secretariat, the then-Board Chair and Vice-Chair Simon Bland and Mphu Ramatlapeng, and Board leadership from the U.S., Sweden, and Developing Country NGOs, were also in attendance. Beyond the Dollars: How Does the Private Sector Support the Global Fund? The PSD launched a project to quantify financial, non-monetary and in-kind contributions by the private sector to the Global Fund to arrive at a more comprehensive estimate of the private sector’s support. While financial contributions made to the Global Fund are recorded, there is currently no agreed methodology in place for valuing non-cash contributions, such as grant co-investments, no-profit/no-loss commodity supply, pro-bono services, research and development, and more. Abt Associates and TropMed Pharma, on behalf of the PSD and with support from GBCHealth, have been leading an initiative to quantify these contributions. A final report of the project’s findings will be released prior to the Global Fund’s Replenishment pledging Conference to be held later this year. To request more information about the valuation project or to ensure your company’s contributions are captured, please contact the PSD Focal Point Whitney White, at psd@gbchealth.org. Dybul Tenure to Focus on Epidemiology, New Opportunities for Private Sector Partnerships With more than 25 years of experience in global health, Mark Dybul brings to his new role as the Global Fund’s Executive Director an ambitious vision and a strong background in successfully creating and implementing public-private partnerships. During the first six months in office, Dybul has emphasized the need to ensure a successful Replenishment for the Global Fund that is informed by the state of the three diseases. Addressing private sector companies at a GBCHealth-hosted webinar in April and at the GBCHealth Annual Conference in May, Dybul emphatically called on donors and partners to step up their contributions to the Fund. Dybul has emphasized opportunities for private sector partnerships through contributing skills, expertise, knowledge and advocacy support, in addition to financial resources. A medical doctor with a specialty in immunology, Dybul will also ensure that the Fund’s decisions are rooted in the current epidemiology of the three diseases. Up-to-date evidence based on costs, efficiency, and target interventions to areas of highest potential impact will underpin stronger policy decisions and forecasting. Read more about Mark Dybul here, and listen to the GBCHealth-hosted webinar here. A Year of Accomplishments: Read the 2012 PSD Annual Report Read the recently-released Global Fund PSD 2012 Annual Report to learn about the private sector’s contributions to major developments at the Global Fund last year, including the selection of a new Executive Director selection process, the development of the new funding model and implementation of a comprehensive reform agenda. Read the full report here. SANOFI: Using Innovative Approaches to Fight Malaria Despite being a treatable and preventable disease, malaria claimed 660,000 lives in 2010, and 91% of these deaths were in the African continent. Since 2001, Sanofi, an integrated healthcare company focused on patients’ needs, has been implementing a comprehensive program against malaria in Africa focused on:
Read more about Sanofi’s Impact Malaria program here. Implementing the New Funding Model: Early Applicants El Salvador, Myanmar and Zimbabwe Three early applicants submitted five concept notes as the first countries to apply for grants under the new funding model. These grant applications were approved in June 2013 for a total amount of $622 million.
Under the new model, countries can apply for two types of funding: indicative and incentive funding. Indicative funding is for a country’s priority interventions, and each country receives a needs-based range at the start of an application process estimating the amount available. Incentive funding is a competitive pool intended to reward ambitious, high-impact proposals and alignment with national strategies. Myanmar and El Salvador both won incentive funding to supplement their programs. Read more about the early applicants here. |
PSD July 16 Quarterly PSD Teleconference September TBD 3rd Annual PSD Retreat Week of October 28 Quarterly PSD Teleconference November 5 PSD Pre-Board Meeting November 6 Global Fund Pre-Briefings November 7 – 8 Global Fund 30th Board Meeting TBC Q3/Q4 Global Fund Fourth Replenishment & Pledging Conference BAYER Innovative solutions from Bayer CropScience to Combat Malaria CHEVRON Chevron Announces Renewed Commitment to Eliminate Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV in Nigeria ELI LILLY Evan Lee, Vice President, Global Health Programs & Access Appointed Stop TB Private Sector Coordinating Board Member MERCK New Innovative Financing Partnership to Deliver Essential Health Supplies More Quickly and Efficiently MYLAN “One Pill Once a Day” Triple Fixed-Dose ARV Combination Supplied to South African National Dep. Of Health (RED) Share (RED), Save Lives: Partnership with J&J on PMTCT More News and Updates here. GLOBAL FUND NEWS AND UPDATES July 2 Global Fund Seeks Applicants for Technical Review Panel July 1 Global Fund Supports New WHO Guidelines for HIV June 28 10 Caribbean Countries Join Regional Initiative as Early Applicants to Eliminate Malaria June 19 Martin O’Malley appointed as Inspector General First Grants under New Approach to Funding Approved May 24 New (RED) Partnerships Launched May 17 Global Fund Joins New Innovative Financing Partnership May 6 Switzerland Raises Contribution by 43% April 23 President of Nigeria Joins Efforts to Broaden Fight Against HIV, TB and Malaria April 8 Global Fund Targets $15 Billion to Effectively Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria March 22 Board Chair and Vice-Chair Selected US Congress Passes Bill to Maintain Full Support to the Global Fund March 18 TB Threat Cited by WHO and Global Fund February 28 New Funding Model Launched January 24 Germany Makes EUR 1 Billion Contribution January 22 Dybul Calls for Focused Action to Fight Infectious Disease |
Private Sector Delegation Companies and Represenatives Board Member: Paul Schaper, Executive Director, Global Public Policy, Merck & Co. Advisory Group Members
GBCHealth is the Focal Point for the Private Sector Delegation to the Global Fund, working with the committed companies of the Advisory Group to steer Global Fund priorities and policies, while also ensuring that the Global Fund actively engages the business sector. For more information on how your company or private sector organization can get involved, please contact PSD Focal Point, Whitney White at psd@gbchealth.org. Learn more about the Private Sector Delegation. |