Private Sector Delegation to the Global Fund | January 2015

Read the latest news, updates and information on the Private Sector Delegation (PSD), the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and its Board.

This edition of the Global Fund PSD Newsletter contains

PSD Leadership Positions: Call for Applications

The Private Sector Delegation (PSD) to the Board of the Global Fund is now accepting applications for the positions of Board Member and Alternate Board Member for the upcoming 2015-2017 term. The two-year terms will begin at the close of the upcoming 33rd Global Fund Board meeting on April 1st, 2015 and run through the close of the first Board meeting in 2017.

Candidates from PSD member companies or from other companies or business organizations with track records of engagement in the Global Fund and its mission are welcome to apply. The deadline to submit an application for PSD leadership positions to the PSD Focal Point is Thursday, February 12th.

For more information on eligibility requirements, roles and responsibilities and application procedures, please visit the GBCHealth website here.

New Private Sector Opportunities Approved, Governance Reforms Launched at Global Fund 32nd Board Meeting

November 19 – 21, 2014 | Montreux, Switzerland

The Global Fund Board met for its 32nd Board meeting in Montreux, Switzerland from November 18-21. Over the course of the meetings, the Board approved major decisions including:

  • amendments allowing the private sector to make restricted financial contributions against unfunded portions of approved country grant requests
  • reforms to enhance Board and committee oversight of market-shaping activities and interventions
  • new policies and a differentiated approach to organizational risk management
  • an interim approach to funding treatment for HIV/Hepatitis C co-infection and the launch of a comprehensive review of co-infections and co-morbidities with the three diseases
  • the formation of a Transitional Governance Committee to oversee the implementation of governance reforms related to a new oversight structure to be instituted in 2016

PSD Board Member Paul Schaper served as Rapporteur for the meeting.

The PSD held its semi-annual pre-Board meeting on November 18th to review and propose positions on upcoming Board decisions. Representatives from Abt Associates, BD, Eli Lilly, Gilead Sciences, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Mylan, Novartis, Sanofi and TropMed Pharma Consulting attended. On November 19th, PSD members attended Global Fund briefing sessions and met with other Board constituencies, including government donors, civil society organizations and private foundations. Read more about key Board decisions taken here.

Mouhamadou Diagne Appointed New Global Fund Inspector General

In December 2014, the Global Fund announced the appointment of Mr. Mouhamadou Diagne as the next independent Inspector General. Mr. Diagne, who has over twenty years’ experience in international auditing and finance in the public and private sectors, was appointed by a vote of the Global Fund Board after a robust six-month international search process. Most recently, he served as a Director in the World Bank Group’s Internal Audit Unit. Mr. Diagne is expected to assume his position in March 2015.

The current Inspector General, Mr. Martin O’Malley, announced in mid-2014 that he would step down due to personal reasons at the end of January 2015. The Board appointed Ms. Katie Hodson, the current Director of the OIG Investigations Unit, as the interim Inspector General from the end of January until Mr. Diagne begins his post. Read the Global Fund Press Release for more information.

Looking Back on the 1st Year of the GFATM New Funding Model

In May 2014, countries submitted concept notes in the first review window of the new approach to grant-making approved by the Board for full implementation just two months earlier. By the end of the year, the Technical Review Panel (TRP) had reviewed 111 concept notes, approximately 43% of all expected country submissions for the 2014-2016 allocation period and representing nearly 60% of the entire allocation amount.

The concept notes submitted for TRP review during the four 2014 review windows accounted for US$ 8.58 billion of the total allocation, divided between diseases as follows:

  • Joint TB/HIV: US $4.67 billion
  • Malaria: US $2.85 billion
  • Tuberculosis: US $497 million
  • HIV/AIDS: US $443 million
  • Health Systems Strengthening: US $127 million

Although progress has been steady – with 80% of grants reviewed by the TRP in 2014 progressing into the grant-making stage and 20 concept notes totaling US$ 1.2 billion approved in full by the Board – there are also indications that the new process has been challenging. The deferral rate of countries delaying submission to a later date than originally communicated was roughly 30%. The Secretariat has emphasized that these delays should allow the development of more robust concept notes and the signing of “disbursement-ready grants.” A steady stream of grant extensions over the course of the year has also been approved to help mitigate potential service gaps as countries prepare concept notes.

Read more about the first year of implementation under the Global Fund’s new grant-making model, including challenges and lessons learned, progress on regional programs, progress on the Global Fund Emergency Fund and other special initiatives here.

Novartis Hosts 4th Annual Retreat for PSD Member Companies

October 20 – 21, 2014 | Basel, Switzerland

PSD members met for the 4th Annual PSD Retreat in Basel, Switzerland on October 20-21, 2014, hosted by Advisory Group member Novartis. During the two-day meeting, PSD members discussed strategic priorities for the coming year and reviewed progress under PSD task forces, launched at the previous year’s retreat to deepen PSD engagement on issues including procurement and quality assurance, health systems strengthening, and the Global Fund grant portfolio. In addition to Novartis, representatives from Abt Associates, Accenture Development Partnerships, Bayer, BD, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Mylan, Sanofi, TropMed Pharma Consulting and Vale attended the meetings.

On the first day of the retreat, members of the Global Fund Secretariat’s Private Sector, Procurement and Grant Management teams made presentations on issues including private sector engagement on the Fund’s Innovation Coalition, implementation of the new funding model, and procurement policies. Rich discussions between the constituency and Secretariat members identified key issues for attention and joint engagement over the coming year.

The Focal Point for the private sector constituency of the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Partnership also presented to the PSD on current RBM and constituency priorities. Following the Basel meetings, PSD Alternate Board Member Renuka Gadde and PSD Focal Point Whitney White joined the RBM Private Sector Members Council at their inaugural retreat in London, U.K. to present information on challenges and opportunities for the Global Fund and malaria. Cross-participation in the retreats signaled on-going commitment to identify mutual priorities and opportunities for collaboration between the two groups. To learn more about the RBM Private Sector Constituency, click here.

Major Regional Malaria Forum Focuses on Corporate Sector Engagement in the Asia-Pacific

September 29, 2014 | Yangon, Myanmar

More than 100 leaders from the business, health and development sectors gathered in Yangon on September 29, 2014 to participate in a seminal regional forum on Opportunities for Corporate Sector Engagement in Malaria Control in the Asia-Pacific. This one-day meeting identified tangible opportunities for strengthened public-private partnerships to support regional strategies for malaria control and elimination.

L to R: Sancia Dalley, Director and Focal Point WHO/RBM Private Sector Constituency, GBCHealth; Dr. Khin Maung Tint, Public Health Supervisor, TOTAL Myanmar; Sandii Lwin, Founder & Managing Director, Myanmar Health and Development Consortium; Prof. Maxine Whittaker, Co-Coordinator, Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN) Secretariat

The event was co-hosted by the Roll Back Malaria Partnership, the Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance (APLMA) and GBCHealth, with support from the Myanmar Health and Development Consortium, Malaria No More, the Global Fund and lead sponsor Sanofi. The event featured speakers and presentations from global and regional private sector companies, development partners, regional governments, and representatives from the regional steering committee of a $100 million program funded by the Global Fund to combat Artemisinin resistance in the Mekong region.

In remarks underlying the unique value private sector partners can bring to regional efforts to achieve malaria elimination by 2030, health leaders urged companies to play a central role. With large-scale private sector projects giving way to a highly mobile workforce, experts reiterated the importance of public-private partnerships in expanding access to hard-to-reach communities, strengthening efficiencies, and spurring innovations in the face of challenges like drug resistance. Download the
summary report.

Recent Events and GFATM Results Highlight Global Progress Against the Three Diseases

On World AIDS Day, the Global Fund announced key programmatic results from Global Fund-supported grant programs in 2014, showing steady gains across indicators, including a 20% scale-up in people on anti-retroviral therapy, a 24% scale-up in bed net distribution, and a 39% scale up in people treated for multi-drug-resistant TB since 2013.

Although the results indicate positive signs of progress, their release came on the heels of significant events and announcements across the three diseases that included impassioned calls from global leaders for more ambitious targets and warnings of lost lives if efforts plateau. As the global health community prepares for the final year of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), partners and advocates across the three diseases have struck a dual message, highlighting global gains in the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, while drawing attention to the need for renewed commitments to end the epidemics.

Read more about key Global Fund results here. Click here for more information about recent HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria announcements and events.

Meet the PSD

Luisa Engel, PRODUCT(RED) Gerhard Heese, Bayer

Luisa Engel,

Director of External Relations, (RED)

Dr. Gerhard Hesse,

Head of Global Partnering/Vector Control, Bayer

How did (RED) become involved with the Global Fund?

The Global Fund is part of (RED)’s DNA. The Fund was established in 2002 but it was struggling to get funding from the corporate sector and because its charter is to be a public-private partnership, it was important for that dynamic to change. (RED) was started in 2006 by Bono and Bobby Shriver to engage businesses and people in the fight against AIDS. As a result, some of the world’s most iconic brands and millions of people – artists, musicians, politicians, students, activists, and more – have supported the work of the Global Fund, raising over $300m to fight AIDS in less than a decade.

Read the full interviews here.

What advice would you give peers seeking to become more involved with the Global Fund?

Regardless of the industry they represent, companies can help address pressing health issues by bringing their respective skills and expertise to the Global Fund. Through the PSD, companies can work through issue-specific task forces, participate in calls, meetings and deliberations to shape policies at the Global Fund. Collectively, PSD member companies have done a marvelous job of representing the private sector and have shaped key decisions at the Global Fund. These highly engaged companies represent the breadth and diversity of the private sector. Whereas a certain level of commitment, time and expertise is required to effectively participate in the PSD, progress can only be made if you engage yourself.


February 3

Quarterly PSD Teleconference

February 24 – 26

14th Strategy Investment and Impact Committee Meeting

Geneva, Switzerland

March 3 – 4

14th Finance and Operational Performance Committee Meeting

Geneva, Switzerland

March 3 – 4

11th Audit and Ethics Committee Meeting

Geneva, Switzerland

March 29

PSD Pre-Board Meeting

Geneva, Switzerland

March 30 – April 1

33rd Global Fund Board Meeting

Geneva, Switzerland



Expanded Efforts to Reduce Burden of Malaria in Africa with Three-Year $268 million PMI contract


Winners of the 2014 BD Helping Build Healthy Communities Innovations in Care Awards Announced


Lilly underscores importance of addressing MDR-TB in Developed Countries


Gilead Announces Amended Agreements With Janssen to Develop and Commercialize Tenofovir Alafenamide-Based Single Tablet Regimens for HIV Treatment


Collaboration between Janssen and USAID to Expand Access to Anti-Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) Compound


Positive results announced from study of investigational HIV therapy- Doravine


Mylan Signs Agreement with Gilead to Enhance Access to Tenofovir Alafenamide (TAF)-based HIV Treatments in Developing Countries


Novartis and Malaria No More help fulfill malaria treatment goal in Zambia by raising funds for three million treatments through Power of One


World AIDS Day Partnership with Apple launched


22 December 2014

Global Fund Appoints Mouhamadou Diagne as Inspector General

18 December 2014

Global Fund Approves Emergency TB Funding for Syrian Refugees

11 December 2014

New Approach on Buying HIV Drugs Will Save $100 Million

10 December 2014

Côte d’Ivoire Launches Giveaway of 13 Million Nets to Fight Malaria

9 December 2014

UNAIDS and Global Fund Sign Cooperation Agreement

1 December 2014

Global Fund Reports Results – 2014

1 December 2014

Global Fund Backs Plan to End AIDS by 2030

12 November 2014

Norway Signs Multi-Year Contribution to Global Fund

29 September 2014

Luxembourg Raises Contribution to the Global Fund

23 September 2014

Major Push for Domestic Financing for Health

23 September 2014

Ecobank Expands Partnership with Global Fund

18 September 2014

Global Fund Congratulates DFID on Winning International Procurement Award

Private Sector Delegation Companies and Representatives

Board Member: Paul Schaper, Executive Director, Global Public Policy, Merck & Co./MSD

Alternate Board Member: Renuka Gadde, Vice President, Global Health, BD

Advisory Group Members


Claudia Carravetta, Director, Government Affairs

Matthew Hamada, Senior Product Manager, Virology


Ann Lion, Vice President, International Health Policy & Systems

Naz Todini, Senior Associate


Omobolanle Victor-Laniyan, Head, Sustainability


Dr. Brian Brink, Medical Consultant


Dr. Gerhard Hesse, Head of Global Partnering/Vector Control

BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)

Renuka Gadde, Vice President, Global Health


Dr. Evan Lee, Vice President, Global Health Programs & Access

Amy Israel, Program Director, Global Health Programs & Access


Polly Fields, Director, Government Affairs

Graeme Robertson, Director, Access Operations & Emerging Markets


Jami Taylor, Senior Director, Global Access Policy


Paul Schaper, Executive Director, Global Public Policy


Erika Satterwhite, Senior Manager, Global Policy

Scott Evertz, Consultant


Rebecca Stevens, Director of Public Affairs, Novartis Malaria Initiative


Luisa Engel, Director of External Relations


René Cazetien, Associate Vice President of Operations, Access to Medicines


Patricia Pena, Corporate Health Manager

Heloisa Jardim, Global Health Corporate Analyst, Health & Safety Department

Affiliate Members


Anastasia Thatcher, Global Health Lead


GBCHealth is the Focal Point for the Private Sector Delegation to the Global Fund, working with the committed companies of the Advisory Group to steer Global Fund priorities and policies, while also ensuring that the Global Fund actively engages the business sector.

For more information on how your company or private sector organization can get involved, please contact PSD Focal Point, Whitney White at