The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria held its Board meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia on March 3-7. Members of the Board and their delegations met to finalize key elements for the launch of the new funding model (NFM). The Board approved six interlinked decisions that will allow the immediate roll out of the NFM, with a total allocation of $15.77 billion to country programs in 2014-2016.
PSD members were in attendance led by Board Member Paul Schaper (Merck/MSD) and Alternate Renuka Gadde (BD). The Board also approved new members to the Strategy Impact and Investment Committee (SIIC) and the Audit and Ethics Committee (AEC). Members for the Finance and Operational Performance Committee will be appointed in mid-April after additional nominations are received.
Other important decisions were taken, including the following:
- The Board reaffirmed a commitment to transparency and approved revisions to its policy for public disclosure of internal and external audit reports through the Global Fund’s website.
- The Board approved and discussed the 2014 Operating Budget, and strategic Workplan, including $18 million to support the launch of the new funding model.
- A Governance Working Group will be launched to consider the findings of a forthcoming review by the Office of the Inspector General of Global Fund governance practices and policies.
In advance of the 31st Board Meeting on March 6-7, the PSD held its semi-annual pre-Board meeting on March 3rd to review and align on issues presented for the Board’s approval. The group also discussed internal priorities, including policy taskforces and partnership with other Board Committees. On March 4-5, the PSD attended Global Fund site visits, briefing sessions, and met with other delegations. Read a summary of all key decisions taken here.
Several PSD companies attended the pre- meeting, Board Briefings and the Board Meeting including: AbbVie, Abt Associates, Anglo American, BD, Eli Lilly, Merck, Mylan, Sanofi, TropMedPharma and Accenture Development Partners. Representatives from Global Fund grant recipient Oil Search Health Foundation attended the PSD Pre-Board meeting in an observer capacity.
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