Since the Global Fund’s establishment in 2002, businesses have contributed their assets and expertise to the Global Fund, both through membership in the PSC and through other partnerships and programs. Their contributions range from financial contributions, technical services and advocacy to co-investments and operational support of in-country programs.

During the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment Conference in 2019, pledges from private donors and innovative financing initiatives were over USD one billion for the 2020-2022 period, more than four times as much as in the previous period. For more information on the private sector’s contributions to the Fund, please click here.

Private sector companies have contributed hundreds of millions of dollars in financial donations to support Global Fund programs in areas where most needed.

Goodbye Malaria

Goodbye Malaria is an African-run initiative to eliminate malaria, a preventable disease that kills a child every two minutes in Southern Africa. Launched in 2012, Goodbye Malaria is the brainchild of passionate and concerned African entrepreneurs who believe their generation can create innovative solutions for problems that ultimately change the way the world sees Africa. The initiative helps raise funds while supporting and catalyzing on-the-ground malaria elimination programs. The organization aims to raise further awareness and funding for malaria programs by driving cause-related marketing actions and retailing causal merchandise aimed at corporations and consumers. For more information on Goodbye Malaria’s contribution and partnership with the Global Fund, please click here.


Takeda has supported the Global Fund since 2010, making it the longest corporate partnership to date and an exemplary model of private sector engagement. Its financial support has helped strengthen the capacity of health workers in Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania, and build resilient and sustainable health systems, a key strategic objective of the Global Fund. Takeda’s first pledge of JP¥ 1 billion (approximately USD 10 million) for 2010-2019 helped boost malaria prevention efforts in Tanzania with the distribution of mosquito nets; accelerated access to TB treatment in Kenya; and expanded HIV services and awareness in Nigeria. For more information on Takeda’s contribution and partnership with the Global Fund, please click here.

To see a full list of private sector pledges to the Sixth Global Fund Replenishment, please click here.

Companies have also contributed their expertise and assets through innovative partnerships and agreements that support implementation of Global Fund grants in-country. These partnerships tap into a company’s regional knowledge to deepen the impact and expand the reach of programs.

Project Last Mile

Project Last Mile (PLM) was created in 2010 to leverage and share core private sector expertise to help improve health systems across Africa in a sustainable way. Concretely, PLM leverages Coca-Cola’s logistical, supply chain and marketing expertise to improve the reach and uptake
of lifesaving medicines, including HIV medicines, and health services in Africa. PLM partners include the Global Fund, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID, The Coca-Cola Company and Coca-Cola foundation, local implementing partners and health ministries.

PLM was piloted with the Medical Stores Department (MSD) of Tanzania in 2010 and has helped transform the delivery of medicines from 130 regional hubs to over 5,700 health facilities, including those in hard-to-reach areas. Coca-Cola Kwanzaa, Tanzania’s Coca-Cola bottler, shared best practices with MSD staff on route optimization to increase the efficiency of deliveries and reduce costs. Skill-building workshops were also organized with MSD to strengthen supply chain management. In 2018, PLM completed its mission to strengthen medicine distribution in four of Tanzania’s 31 regions through in-depth data collection and route optimization analytics.


Zenysis Technologies, a US-based big data and artificial intelligence software company, has developed a powerful software platform to help governments identify potential malaria outbreaks. In Ethiopia, more than 3 million malaria cases are identified each year and over 70% of the country is at risk.

Zenysis worked closely with the Ethiopian Ministry of Health to create a malaria anomaly detection system (MADS) to identify outbreaks in real time, allowing for instant notification and response to help reduce the public health threat of malaria. Building on the success of its work in Ethiopia, Zenysis has committed to a new partnership with the Global Fund to deliver in-kind technical support worth US$6 million to bring the lifesaving power of big data and advanced analytics to 10 Global Fund-supported countries over three years.

India HIV/AIDS Alliance

In 2017, IBM, the Global Fund and the India HIV/AIDS Alliance partnered to pilot a tablet-based mobile app in select districts in India to improve the quality of care for people living with HIV and TB. They each contributed their strength and expertise, and all partners benefited. It was the perfect test case for a technology solution that could transform care.

The pilot was an instant success and was quickly scaled up to cover the whole of India. The user-friendly software allows health workers to track people living with HIV, makes sure they are adhering to treatment, uploads data, and ensures confidentiality. An estimated 1.2 million people were tracked with the app between January 2018 and March 2019, and more than 2 million patients across India have benefited from eMpower to date.


Strengthening the financial management of Global Fund implementers
Ecobank, a leading pan-African bank, partnered with the Global Fund in 2014 to complement investments in malaria programs and provide financial expertise to Global Fund implementers across Africa. The partnership consists of a financial contribution and in-kind support, advocacy and innovation.

The partnership has supported malaria programs in Mozambique
(2017-2019) and Nigeria (2014-2016), and strengthened the financial management capacity, accounting and reporting skills of Global Fund implementing partners in key Ecobank markets across Africa to generate greater impact in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria. Ecobank has also developed innovative solutions to financial challenges, for example through cash management and mobile money mechanisms, and engaged its employees and customers in supporting the Global Fund’s mission.

In addition to individual cash donations, the private sector also supports the Fund through innovative financing mechanisms. These initiatives pool resources from different companies for greater collective impact.

Comic Relief

Comic Relief’s strategic partnership with the Global Fund began in 2014 and covers multiple countries in Africa. The work supported through this partnership spans across malaria, HIV and tuberculosis programs, with emphasis on building resilient health systems. At the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment Conference in October 2019, Comic Relief announced a three-year partnership including an initial commitment of USD 17 million through donations raised during its annual events: Red Nose Day and Sport Relief in the United Kingdom and Red Nose Day in the United States. For more information on the partnership between the Global Fund and Comic Relief, please click here.

Product (RED)

Bono and Bobby Shriver created (RED) in 2006 to engage millions of people in the greatest challenge of our time – the fight to end AIDS in Africa, where 2/3 of the world’s estimated 37 million people living with HIV live. (RED) works with the world’s most iconic brands and organizations to develop (RED)-branded products and services, that when purchased, trigger corporate giving to the Global Fund. These contributions are then invested in HIV/AIDS programs in Africa, with a focus on countries with high prevalence of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. As of July 2019, (RED) has generated over US$600 million to support Global Fund HIV/AIDS grants in Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania and Zambia. For more information on Product (RED), please click here.

Many private sector companies are actively involved with the Global Fund’s Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs), the local bodies overseeing the Global Fund grant application and stewardship process in country. Initiatives that are approved by the CCMs and implemented on the ground are frequently in need of co-financing or management support from the private sector.

Private Sector CCM Members Country
AngloGold Ashanti Ghana
Bralima (subsidiary of Heineken) Democratic Republic of Congo
Brarudi (subsidiary of Heineken) Burundi
Chevron Nigeria
De Beers South Africa
HSBC Mauritius
Pfizer Philippines Foundation Philippines
Scotiabank Guyana
Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia
Companies also provide in-kind products and services and technical assistance both to the Global Fund Secretariat and to grant implementers.

Accenture Development Partnerships

Accenture Development Partnerships collaborates with over 640 international development organizations to deliver innovative solutions that change the way people work and live, such as the Global Fund’s Last Mile Partnership. Its award-winning business model enables Accenture’s core capabilities– its best people and strategic business, technology and project management expertise–to be made available to the international development sector on a not-for-profit basis.


Ecobank is a leading pan-African financial institution that operates in 35 countries in Africa and embraces the mission of contributing to the economic and financial development of Africa. Ecobank and the Ecobank Foundation joined the Global Fund partnership in 2013, to strengthen the financial management capabilities of grant recipients in Nigeria, Senegal and South Sudan. The initial contribution of US $3 million over three years included US $1.5 million in cash and in-kind services and training. For more information on this project, please click here.

Novartis and Sanofi

Novartis and Sanofi, leading manufacturers of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), the most effective malaria treatment, provide their medicines to governments, NGOs and international organizations on a “no profit, no loss” basis as part of each company’s commitment to combating malaria and increasing access to medicines. Since 2010, both companies have been supplying ACTs on a not-for-profit basis to the Affordable Medicines Facility – malaria (AMFm) initiative, which is managed by the Global Fund.

For more information on the Affordable Medicines Facility – malaria (AMFm), please click here.

The Coca-Cola Company

The Coca-Cola Company is working with the Tanzanian Ministry of Health’s Medical Stores Department (MSD) to assist with their supply chain management and ensure essential medicines are made available in a time/cost-effective manner. Tanzania has the second largest Global Fund grant in sub-Saharan Africa. Early outcomes from the pilot project have shown a 25% cost savings on the distribution network, and the model is also being expanded to Ghana and Mozambique.

For more information on this project, please click here. 

Standard Bank

Standard Bank has been the Global Fund’s partner since 2008. Through this collaboration, Standard Bank is providing financial and management expertise to recipients of Global Fund grants in selected African countries to help ensure that funds are efficiently managed, spent and distributed inside the country and to assist with reporting requirements. Standard Bank’s support is available to grant recipients in selected countries who request it and is tailored to meet their specific needs.

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