Best in Business Action – Improving the Health of Women and Girls

Ian MatthewsArticle

This month, GBCHealth is featuring a series of case studies highlighting best in practice corporate programs that are improving the health of women and girls around the world. Pulling from winning and commended programs recognized by our Business Action on Health Awards, these case studies highlight the potential for the private sector to make meaningful differences in the lives of women and girls around the world from scaling-up high-impact interventions to providing affordable, fortified food for women at risk of nutrient deficiencies.

Each case study provides a snapshot of the effect each company and program has had, as well as valuable lessons learned that are applicable to all operating within the development space.

BASF  Affordable Nutritious Food for Women

Driven by the power of collaborative public-private partnerships under the company’s Food Fortification Initiative, the program offers local manufacturers policy support and technical implementation assistance necessary to provide affordable, fortified foods to girls and women of reproductive age (15 – 44 years of age) at risk of nutrient deficiencies.

Find the full case study here.

Johnson & Johnson – Private Sector Pioneer in Fostering Innovative Partnerships to Prevent and Treat Obstetric Fistula

For over 20 years, Johnson & Johnson has been supporting programs to prevent and treat obstetric fistula, a debilitating injury of childbirth caused by prolonged, obstructed labor and lack of access to essential, quality healthcare services. The company’s holistic approach to fistula prevention, treatment and care goes beyond addressing the physical needs of women. In addition to increasing vulnerable women’s access to trained healthcare providers and comprehensive obstetric care, which includes safe surgery, the program supports rehabilitation networks and entrepreneurial opportunities responding to the psychosocial and economic impacts of the condition.

Find the full case study here.

MSD – MSD for Mothers 

Determined to scale-up high-impact, high-need interventions that improve maternal health, MSD for Mothers focuses its investments in two areas proven to have the greatest impact on ending preventable maternal deaths: improving the quality of care women receive at a health facility at the time of childbirth – a triple return on investment by reducing not only maternal deaths but also stillbirths and newborn deaths – and expanding access to high-quality modern contraceptives – an intervention that could prevent one-third of maternal deaths.

Find the full case study here.

Philips – Mobile Obstetrics Monitoring (MOM)

A mobile software solution, MOM enables health workers in community- or primary-care settings to deliver improved antenatal care by identifying pregnant women’s risk profiles, diagnosing health issues such as anemia, and monitoring patients’ progress through easy access to comprehensive health records.

Find the full case study here.

Ian MatthewsBest in Business Action – Improving the Health of Women and Girls