20 years on from its launch, the Global Fund has helped to save 50 million lives. With a strong focus on multisectoral partnerships, the Global Fund invests billions of dollars annually to tackle HIV, malaria & TB. Progress in reducing the impact of each of these diseases has been remarkable.
But Covid threatens to stop this progress in its tracks. So the Global Fund asked the world to step up and meet the challenge. With a target of $18 billion for its , and despite multiple global crises, many countries responded to the call to action & pledged increased contributions.
A record-breaking $14.25 billion was raised, including (setting another record). Notably, the UK delayed its announcement, and advocacy efforts continue to strive to secure support from the new UK Government. The are on the Global Fund’s website.
The record achievement has been acknowledged. But it is not enough. $18 billion was the minimum needed to help save a further 20 million lives, avert 450 million new cases, and improve weakened & already fragile health systems.
GBCHealth will continue to support the Global Fund. We’ll build on our catalytic work over the last year – including letters to the UK & US governments, signed by the private sector & others - with partners such as Malaria No More UK, STOPAIDS, Friends of the Global Fight USA & Friends Europe - to keep the momentum going.
If you’re in the private sector and would like to know more about how we can help your business make an impact in this space (and report on that impact to your stakeholders), we’d love to hear from you.
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The private sector & the Global Fund